Wednesday, August 22, 2007

If you are a small child, beware.

Ok so sometimes in life... you just have to let loose, play in a water fountain, and of course... bulldoze a small child.

This video took place at that giant aquarium place in downtown Houston. We basically decided that we were going to run over one straight row of fountain spouts (the spouting pattern is so random and unpredictable!) where two small mexican children were playing. So the rule was: Nobody could leave the path of spouts for fear of getting wet, which is why that crazy midget should have known better than to swing his little head around in the path of my thigh! Yes it was. It was my thigh.

Disclaimer: No Jacob's or a.d.d. children were harmed in the making of this video. *Also I am not a racist, and I love children! I do! and... I'm not!

P.S. pay no attention to the way I run in this video, I have never done that before and never will again... I don't know where it came from


Eric and Jen said...


But, why was I not invited to this romp through the fountains? That little kid has a lot learn before he's ready to run with the bulls. Wait, was that racist?

Anonymous said...

HAHA, Im so glad it was caught on video tape. If we could have caught it on tape when you popped your color and danced like Knicky...oh Top Gun what fun!
We will start our music video tomorrow.

jordanpudlo said...

Ok, so, I'm laughing really hard right now...but pretty much just at the way you were running. It totally reminded me of a friend we use to have.

Steph said...

I'm pretty sure it was crotch-to-face. Don't try to deny it. And I don't love children. I don't. So I wish you would have been running like a man instead of a girl, that way you would have plowed him right into the pavement.

TeamThomson said...

Yeah, that was pretty much awesome exept for the blatent lack of unagi. could, what I can only describe as frolick, through the fountain dodging all water and at the same time attack your target with puma like stealth.